What is Trigger Point?

Trigger points are small areas of hyper-irritability within muscles, if this points are located near motor nerve areas,  the person may experience referred pain caused by nerve stimulation.

How does it work?

The massage therapist usually finds trigger points during general massage and palpation deep, if in this process a trigger point is identified, you will notice of the trigger point but does not initiate a protective mechanism, but on the contrary you can experience a "good pain". The therapist will guide you to take a deep breath while compression techniques are performed to the point of pain and are sometimes held for up to 10 minutes. The trigger point may be deactivated, while you should take a deep breathing to increase the flow of oxygen to the tissues.

Trigger point therapy provides targeted relief for specific muscle tension and pain areas. Here are some benefits associated with trigger point therapy:

  • Pain Relief: Trigger point therapy focuses on releasing painful knots and tension in muscles, providing significant pain relief.

  • Muscle Relaxation: It helps relax tight muscles and promotes overall muscle relaxation.

  • Increased Range of Motion: By releasing trigger points, it can improve flexibility and enhance the range of motion.

  • Improved Posture: Trigger point therapy can address muscle imbalances and contribute to better posture.

  • Headache Relief: It can alleviate tension headaches and migraines caused by trigger points in the neck and shoulder muscles.

  • Injury Rehabilitation: It aids in the recovery process by targeting trigger points related to specific injuries.

  • Enhanced Performance: Athletes and active individuals can benefit from trigger point therapy to optimize their performance and prevent injuries.

  • Stress Reduction: It promotes relaxation and stress reduction, contributing to overall well-being.

  • Improved Blood Circulation: Trigger point therapy can enhance blood flow to the treated areas, supporting healing and recovery.

  • Holistic Healing: It offers a holistic approach to addressing pain and muscle dysfunction.

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